
Welcome to the official page of the Deleuze and Guattari Studies Conference and Camp 2024. The Camp will take place from 3-5 July and the Conference from 8-10 July, in Delft, The Netherlands.The Conference and Camp will be hosted by TU Delft.


The keynotes of the conference will be gradually available in the Ecologies of Architecture YouTube channel.


The 16th International Deleuze and Guattari Studies Camp and Conference focuses on processes of subjectification. This has been a longstanding concern of Deleuze and Guattari since their ground-breaking work, Anti-Oedipus (1972), which provides a tripartite theory of the production of subjectivity. Guattari further developed a schizoanalytic approach to social formations, extending Anti-Oedipus’s three syntheses into a more general account of three broader ecologies that are differentially enacted by environmental, social, and mental technics. Today, these ecologies can no longer be addressed in isolation by the sciences, humanities, and arts. Fifty years since Anti-Oedipus, this line of transversal thinking seems more pertinent than ever for thinking through becomings and subjectivation processes in the milieus of digital media ecologies, the changing techno- and noo-spheres engendered by hyperautomation, algorithmic governance, and increasingly systemic forms of disempowerment.


Structured along the three interdependent syntheses and ecologies, the conference focuses on three socio-techno-environmental regimes: Intelligence, Instituting, and Archiving. Its goal is to revisit the material-discursive ecologies of instituting and archiving practices as critical and creative endeavours that may counter systemic stupidity and engender collective intelligence. Instead of pondering the question of what intelligence is, the event will address the pragmatics of how it happens, who institutes it, and through which technologies it is archived. Starting from (post-)Deleuzo-Guattarian concepts and methods, extended through feminist, queer, and decolonial critiques, the aim is to render visible the reciprocally determinant structure and operation of these three regimes and through what methods, modes, techniques, and technologies dis/individuating becomings come to be differentially enacted.


We invite paper and panel proposals from scholars of all disciplines, as well as performance and installation proposals from artists related to the theme of the Conference. We also kindly ask students interested in the Camp to send us their applications. The aim is to promote original approaches to transdisciplinarity that break with the long anti-intellectualist tradition inherent in specialisation, professionalisation, and the fragmentation of knowledge. In this spirit, the conference will also embrace other types of affective, asignifying, spatial contributions, including images/graphics/videos, sound installations, and performances.